" . print_r($charlist, TRUE) . ""; $randkey = ''; for ($i=0; $i<$numchar; $i++) { $thischar = intval(rand(0,$list_size)); $randkey .= $charlist[$thischar]; }; $pid = "sslgen_" . $randkey; show_debug("Generated PID: $pid"); // print "$disp_size char pool, $numchar char string
"; // print "PID: $pid"; // If the user didn't provide anything, fill in these defaults. if (($_POST[OU]) == ''){ $_POST[OU] = "Security Services"; show_debug("Setting DEFAULT OU as $_POST[OU]"); }; if (($_POST[L]) == ''){ $_POST[L] = "New York"; show_debug("Setting DEFAULT L as $_POST[L]"); }; if (($_POST[ST]) == ''){ $_POST[ST] = "NY"; show_debug("Setting DEFAULT ST as $_POST[ST]"); }; if (($_POST[C]) == ''){ $_POST[C] = "US"; show_debug("Setting DEFAULT C as $_POST[C]"); }; if (($_POST[private_key]) == ''){ // No private key was received. Generate one. A password is required. We'll clear it below. show_debug("No private key was received. Generate one."); $c = "/usr/bin/openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:secret -out /tmp/$pid.key 4096"; #$c = "/usr/bin/openssl genrsa -passout pass:secret -out /tmp/$pid.key 4096"; system ($c); // Remove password, so the web server can restart without user interaction. $c = "/usr/bin/openssl rsa -passin pass:secret -in /tmp/$pid.key -out /tmp/$pid.key.insecure"; system($c); $_POST[private_key] = file_get_contents("/tmp/$pid.key.insecure"); // Cleanup. We aren't sure if we're continuing or not yet. unlink("/tmp/$pid.key.insecure"); unlink("/tmp/$pid.key"); $debug_showkey = substr($_POST['private_key'], 0, 48) . "..."; show_debug("Setting generated Private_Key as $debug_showkey"); }; if ( (($_POST[private_key]) != '') && (($_POST[C]) != '') && (($_POST[ST]) != '') && (($_POST[L]) != '') && (($_POST[O]) != '') && (($_POST[OU]) != '') && (($_POST[CN]) != '') ){ show_debug("Completed form provided. Generate CSR and self-cert."); $conf_data = " [ req ] default_bits = 4096 default_days = 3650 default_keyfile = /tmp/$pid.key distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name prompt = no [ req_distinguished_name ] C = $_POST[C] ST = $_POST[ST] L = $_POST[L] O = $_POST[O] OU = $_POST[OU] CN = $_POST[CN] "; file_put_contents("/tmp/$pid.key", $_POST[private_key]); file_put_contents("/tmp/$pid.conf", $conf_data); #$c = "/usr/bin/openssl req -new -key /tmp/$pid.key -out /tmp/$pid.csr -config /tmp/$pid.conf"; $c = "/usr/bin/openssl req -sha256 -new -key /tmp/$pid.key -out /tmp/$pid.csr -config /tmp/$pid.conf"; #print "$c"; system($c); $_POST[csr] = file_get_contents("/tmp/$pid.csr"); $c = "/usr/bin/openssl x509 -sha256 -req -days 3650 -in /tmp/$pid.csr -signkey /tmp/$pid.key -out /tmp/$pid.selfcert"; #print "$c
"; system($c); $_POST[selfcert] = file_get_contents("/tmp/$pid.selfcert"); }; // The following tests are for if someone was validating data through the form. // We support putting the key, csr, or cert in the file row, // and seeing the result in the validation row. if ( (($_POST[private_key]) != '') && (!file_exists("/tmp/$pid.key")) ){ show_debug("Writing PK file"); // We have a key sent, but no key file present. Probably a validation. Save the file. file_put_contents("/tmp/$pid.key", $_POST[private_key]); }; if ( (($_POST[csr]) != '' ) && (!file_exists("/tmp/$pid.csr")) ){ show_debug("Writing CSR file"); // We have a csr sent, but no csr file present. Probably a validation. Save the file. file_put_contents("/tmp/$pid.csr", $_POST[csr]); }; // Note: Throughout we reference the cert as "selfcert". It is assumed // that this script is generating the temporary (self-signed) certificate. // If the user is submitting a real certificate for validation, it will // still process fine. It uses the same OpenSSL command. // We may sign with our own CA later. if ( (($_POST[selfcert]) != '') && (!file_exists("/tmp/$pid.selfcert")) ){ show_debug("Writing self-cert file"); // We have a csr sent, but no csr file present. Probably a validation. Save the file. file_put_contents("/tmp/$pid.selfcert", $_POST[selfcert]); }; if (file_exists("/tmp/$pid.key")){ $_POST[check_key] = `/usr/bin/openssl rsa -check -noout -text -in /tmp/$pid.key`; $_POST[mod_key] = `/usr/bin/openssl rsa -modulus -noout -in /tmp/$pid.key`; $_POST[mod_key] = md5($_POST[mod_key]); }; if (file_exists("/tmp/$pid.csr")){ $_POST[check_csr] = `/usr/bin/openssl req -verify -noout -text -in /tmp/$pid.csr`; $_POST[mod_csr] = `/usr/bin/openssl req -modulus -noout -in /tmp/$pid.csr`; $_POST[mod_csr] = md5($_POST[mod_csr]); }; if (file_exists("/tmp/$pid.selfcert")){ $_POST[check_selfcert] = `/usr/bin/openssl x509 -noout -text -in /tmp/$pid.selfcert`; $_POST[mod_selfcert] = `/usr/bin/openssl x509 -modulus -noout -in /tmp/$pid.selfcert`; $_POST[mod_selfcert] = md5($_POST[mod_selfcert]); show_debug("mod_selfcert check " . $_POST[mod_selfcert]); }; // Determine if the modulus md5 matches. if ($_POST[mod_key] != ''){ show_debug("mod key found good"); $mod_class_key='modulus_good'; }else{ show_debug("mod key found bad"); $mod_class_key='modulus_bad'; }; if ($_POST[mod_key] == $_POST[mod_csr]){ show_debug("mod csr found good"); $mod_class_csr='modulus_good'; }else{ show_debug("mod csr found bad"); $mod_class_csr='modulus_bad'; }; if ($_POST[mod_key] == $_POST[mod_selfcert]){ show_debug("mod cert found good"); $mod_class_cert='modulus_good'; }else{ show_debug("mod cert found bad"); $mod_class_cert='modulus_bad'; }; // IMPORTANT!!! The cleanup section is disabled on the testing site. // Make sure it's enabled on the production site, or we'll have a ton of junk files. /* // Clean up all temp files. We don't want to retain anything for liability reasons. if(file_exists("/tmp/$pid.key")){ unlink("/tmp/$pid.key"); }; if(file_exists("/tmp/$pid.conf")){ unlink("/tmp/$pid.conf"); }; if(file_exists("/tmp/$pid.csr")){ unlink("/tmp/$pid.csr"); }; if(file_exists("/tmp/$pid.selfcert")){ unlink("/tmp/$pid.selfcert"); }; */ function show_debug($in){ $debug = $GLOBALS[debug]; if ($debug == 'on'){ if(is_array($in)){ $out = "
" . print_r($in, TRUE) ."
"; }else{ $out = $in; }; $ts = number_format(microtime(TRUE),8, '.' , ''); print "DEBUG [$ts]: $out
"; }; }; ?> JWSmythe SSL Generator and Decoder
  Modulus Check: $_POST[mod_key]   "; ?>   Modulus Check: $_POST[mod_csr]   "; ?>   Modulus Check: $_POST[mod_selfcert]   "; ?>
JWSmythe SSL Certificate Generator and Validator v2.4
(c) 2000-, JWSmythe

Fill ALL the fields to the right, to generate all the files.
You may provide your own Private Key

Keep all of the top row data somewhere safe and private. You will need it again.
We don't retain any data related to this tool.

You can paste in a key, csr, and/or cert to get the validation data, or to use for other steps.

The live source of this page is symlinked HERE.
[CN] Common Name
[O] Organization
[OU] Organizational Unit
[L] Locality Name (eg, city)
[ST] State (2 letter code)
[C] Country Name
 Start Over ?>
Private Key (KEY):
Certificate Signing Request (CSR):
Self-Signed (temp)Certificate (CERT):
KEY Validation Data:
CSR Validation Data:
CERT Validation Data: